Numero 163

Cari socie e soci,

continuiamo con il secondo appuntamento dei nostri VIRTUAL CLUB SIBV, una serie di webinar dedicati a giovani studenti, dottorandi e ricercatori.

Il secondo seminario si svolgerà il 16 giugno 2022 dalle ore 17:00 alle ore 18:00 e sarà svolto dalla Dott.ssa Francesca Bucci dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.

Optimization of microalgae fatty acid profile for food oil application

Francesca Bucci1, Alessandra Bellan1, Cornelia Herrfurth2, Diana Simionato3, Nicola Maron3, Ivo Feussner2, Tomas Morosinotto1

1Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy

2 Albrecht von Haller Institute – Department of Plant Biochemistry, University of Goettingen, Germany

3TMCI Padovan S.p.A, Vittorio Veneto (TV), Italy

In the next decades global population growth will result in an increase of food demand that will need to be addressed while limiting the negative impacts of current agricultural practices, such as palm oil cultivation that is causing major environmental consequences (deforestation, biodiversity loss). A new perspective is offered by microalgae, photosynthetic organisms that use solar energy to fix CO2 and produce biomass rich in proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Among these, we focused on Nannochloropsis gaditana that accumulates lipids for up to the 70% of its total dry weight, while producing Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with high nutritional value. Genomic studies revealed multiple copies of genes involved in the lipid biosynthesis, indicating a complex regulation. Genetic engineering of specific target genes allowed to identify one that, when inactivated using CRISPR-CAS, leads to an altered fatty acid profile strain that has a lipid composition similar to palm oil with a 20% content of PUFA. This profile makes it interesting for commercial application and opens the possibility of developing new sustainable industrial production of oil for food applications.

Puoi partecipare all’evento telematico cliccando su questo link (ndr link inviato via email)

Ciascuna sessione dei Virtual Club sarà svolta attraverso l’uso della Piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Informazioni relative alle prossime sessioni sono presenti sul sito nell'apposita sezione (Link)

Per ulteriori informazioni non esitate a contattarci inviandoci una e-mail all’indirizzo

Ci auguriamo ed auspichiamo una grande partecipazione tra i soci ed interazione con gli speaker al fine di rendere questi momenti di incontro virtuale una preziosa occasione per la crescita della nostra comunità,

Un caro saluto


Dear SIBV members and associates,

we are ready for the second seminar of our VIRTUAL CLUB SIBV, a series of webinars dedicated to young students, PhD students and researchers.

The second seminar will take place on June 16, 2022 from 17:00 to 18:00 and will be held by Dott.ssa Francesca Bucci of the University of Padova.

Optimization of microalgae fatty acid profile for food oil application

Francesca Bucci1, Alessandra Bellan1, Cornelia Herrfurth2, Diana Simionato3, Nicola Maron3, Ivo Feussner2, Tomas Morosinotto1

1Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy

2 Albrecht von Haller Institute – Department of Plant Biochemistry, University of Goettingen, Germany

3TMCI Padovan S.p.A, Vittorio Veneto (TV), Italy

In the next decades global population growth will result in an increase of food demand that will need to be addressed while limiting the negative impacts of current agricultural practices, such as palm oil cultivation that is causing major environmental consequences (deforestation, biodiversity loss). A new perspective is offered by microalgae, photosynthetic organisms that use solar energy to fix CO2 and produce biomass rich in proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Among these, we focused on Nannochloropsis gaditana that accumulates lipids for up to the 70% of its total dry weight, while producing Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with high nutritional value. Genomic studies revealed multiple copies of genes involved in the lipid biosynthesis, indicating a complex regulation. Genetic engineering of specific target genes allowed to identify one that, when inactivated using CRISPR-CAS, leads to an altered fatty acid profile strain that has a lipid composition similar to palm oil with a 20% content of PUFA. This profile makes it interesting for commercial application and opens the possibility of developing new sustainable industrial production of oil for food applications.

You can participate in the online event using this link (ndr: link sent by email)

Each Virtual Club session will be held via Microsoft Teams.

Information on upcoming sessions can be found on the SIBV website (link

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to

We hope for great participation among the members and interaction with the speakers in order to make these moments of virtual meeting a precious opportunity for the growth of our community,

Warm greetings


Il Presidente, Laura De Gara                                                      Il Segretario, Sara Cimini