Cari Soci,
il prossimo Aprile 2019 (dal 10 al 12) a Zurigo si terrà il Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting (TNAM 2019).
Di seguito i dettagli della comunicazione pervenutaci:
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate to the 11th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting (TNAM 2019), which will be held from 10-12 April 2019 at the ETH Zurich TNAM 2019 is jointly organized by ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center.
We invite you to register before December 31, 2018 to benefit from the early bird registration fee. Registrations will be open until March 1st, 2019, with regular meeting fees.
You have the opportunity to submit abstracts for posters until January 15, 2019.
The Organising committee will invite some selected poster for short oral presentations.
For the last 20 years, TNAM has established itself as a premier plant science meeting in Europe that attracts many participants and also much international attention. In addition to two keynote lectures presented by Tetsuya Higashiyama and Wolf Frommer, TNAM 2019 features an exciting scientific program highlighting frontier plant research from Arabidopsis to crops, including technology development. With more than 26 invited speakers and 250 expected participants, combined with the strong plant research community in Europe and in Switzerland, TNAM 2019 again presents an exciting opportunity to engage in discussions on frontier research.
Additional information about the event are available in the attached poster and on our website:
For any additional question, please send us an email:
We look forward to welcoming you in April 2019 in Zurich.
The Organising Committee
Manuela Dahinden, Stefan Grob, Wilhelm Gruissem, Kinga Rutowicz, Clara Sanchez-Rodriguez, Diana Santelia, Kentaro Shimizu, Sara Simonini, Olivier Voinnet.
Follow @PlantSciCenter on Twitter #TNAM2019
Cordiali saluti,
Francesca Secchi - Segretario SIBV