Segnaliamo inoltre, su indicazione del Prof. Francesco Loreto, la disponibilità della seguente opportunità per giovani studenti, dottorandi e ricercatori.
“The Bayer Foundation is seeking exceptional young scientists who aim to increase the impact of their research and are seeking to build a global scientific network: Master & PhD students from all fields of the natural or data science whose research has fundamental or applied relevance to the crop science industry are eligible for up to 10,000 € funding for an international placement or research projects of up to six months. Students studying in Germany undertake placements in a second country & those studying outside Germany undertake fellowships at a German research institution.”
The application portal opened 28.2.2022.
Questions please to
Announcement "Jeff Schell International Scientific Fellowshipsin Agricultural Sciences by the Bayer Foundation"
Cari Saluti
Il Presidente, Laura De Gara
Il Segretario, Sara Cimini