The UMR EGFV has opening for a doctoral position in plant Biology.

The UMR EGFV has opening for a doctoral position in plant Biology
Doctorate thesis title
Epigenetic adaptation of grapevine to environmental challenges

The proposed research project will take place at UMR EGFV (INRAE, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, (, which is located at the Vine and Wine Science Insitute (ISVV, at the INRAE campus of Villenave d’Ornon ( The EGFV research unit is organized around 4 research themes (ADAPT, ROOTi, QUALyGrapE, GENEPI) investigating grapevine adaptation to its environment in the context of climate changes, from plant biology to vineyard management.

The doctoral student will have a stipend contract for three years, and will be integrated in the Bordeaux University Doctorate School Program. She/he will be supervised by Pr Philippe Gallusci (UMR EGFV), and work in close collaboration with Dr Armelle Marais-Colombel (UMR BFP) and Dr Agnès Calonnec (UMR SAVE). The project is funded by Plant2Pro, Institut Carnot.


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